Micro Church Gatherings

As The Assembly, we believe that the church can take multiple forms, shapes, and sizes. So in order to best meet the needs of our local community, we intentionally create non-overwhelming environments to inspire each individual to build friendships and connect with God. This is why we offer micro church gatherings. Every micro church carries these four elements: scripture, prayer, worship, and community. That being said here are some of the micro church gatherings we currently offer:

Community Dinner Church is a twice a month gathering which hosts a free community dinner to help neighbors get to know one another while enjoying tasty food. There is live music, occasionally a live performing visual artist, an 8-minute gospel story always about Christ, and lots of discussions. Children can also participate in crafts at a specific table. Watch our social media accounts for the menu!

Location & Time: Broad Ripple United Methodist Church, 1st and 3rd Sundays 5-6 pm.


Art Church is once a month. It focuses on sharing the goodness of God, the goodness of community, and the goodness of creative artistic expression.

There are 2 featured Artist presentation spots ranging from 3-10 minutes. Your creation needs to work with the theme, so please check our social media or DM us to sign up for a spot or with any questions you have.

There is guided visual art creations as well as open tables with supplies to make whatever your heart desires.

Kids are welcome and will have a special activities area in the room that is age-appropriate for them during Art Church. They may present their work to the group at the end of the evening.

Location & Time: New Circle Church, 4th Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 pm


Online Church is twice a month and focuses on bible study and family. We start each night with a kids’ lesson, a kids’ song, and a game. Followed by a song, bible study focus, discussion, prayer, and communion. DM us for the private Zoom link and check our calendar or social media for our current series.

Location & Time: Zoom, 1st and 3rd Mondays 6-7 pm

For more current information about these gatherings as well as other local events we pariticpate in please check our Next Events page, follow us on social media, or message us directly at hello@theassemlby317.com.